Final Blog Post June 2014

I feel that in Grade 10 PE this semester, I have grown and learned a lot. I have found myself to be quite successful and believe that I have accomplished a lot in these short past few months.

First of all, I feel that a big part of my success in PE has to do with my participation. Every single class I have come ready to go. I have not once this semester forgotten PE strip. Furthermore, I have attended all classes when possible, aside from Doctor excused illnesses. No matter if it is a fitness day, or a choice day, I have always strived to do my best with a positive attitude. I always try my best in PE, because I simply would like to benefit myself as much as possible. On choice days, I have always chosen either volleyball, or weight room. I have made these choices for myself, because I feel I am best benefitted. In a game of soccer or basketball, I have previously been excluded, or not gotten to play much as I'm quite small and not so skilled in these sports. In volleyball, everyone gets to equally play. I find I get a lot better use of my time in volleyball as I am always on the court. The same goes for the weight room. In the weight room, I can do independent activities that help me reach the accomplishments I strive for. I'm always moving and doing something, whether a machine or floor work, my time management is great and the time given I find is very well spent.

Secondly, I believe that I have shown good leadership qualities this year. A way that I help to enhance my classmates PE experience, is through participation. Ways that I try to include everyone include games, choice days, and fitness days. A specific example I can remember is playing dodgeball with my class, every time I saw a ball on the ground, I'd pick it up, and if I already had one in my hand, I'd immediately give the extra ball to a shy classmate standing at the back. I did this through out the whole game and gave balls to several different people in order to I courage them to play. I feel that this really enhanced the game for everyone as there was so much more effort and participation given. On choice days, every time I played volleyball i would look around for people with a team, or simply people who were standing on their own. My friends and myself would always invite them to join our team, this way they would feel included and welcome to play. Also, it made my experience more interesting as almost every choice game I was playing with new people from different classes and different grades. On fitness days, I'd always seem to end up with people from both grade 10 classes. A way I helped others on fitness days, was simply just encouraging them. An example I remember of this is my friend who set herself a goal to get 7 on the beep test. I ran with her the whole time I didn't let her give up and encouraged her to get her goal as I ran beside her, and although at times she wanted to give up, she reached her goal! Also, helping out wise, on choice days I almost always helped set up the nets, it is such a simple task but such a big way of helping out with something that needs to be done.

Thirdly, my PE 10 year was filled with goals, small and big, which some were reached, and others an ongoing process. On a negative side, something that really frustrated me this year was my inconsistency. In grade 9, I was very consistent, and through out the year improved little by little. This semester however, my fitness levels were jumping all over the place. I'd do good one week, poorly the next, and amazing the next. This is still something I'm struggling with, as I am trying to find the cause of this new difficulty. However, I was still able to accomplish a lot of great things throughout the semester. My flexibility has improved a lot, this has been shown in dance and activities outside of class, but I definitely improved and worked on it in class. Ways I did this was weight room stretching, stretches after beep test and cario activities, as well as fitness days where we could choose our own activities such as different forms of Yoga. Also this year, I continued my goal from grade 9 which was making sure to eat a healthy breakfast. Although some morning when I got up late I missed this, most of the time I did eat a good breakfast. Something I have come to love this year is fruit smoothies, like making your own booster juice. I like using vanilla frozen yogurt, strawberries, raspberries and a little banana. I always have fruits in myself as we buy frozen packs of raspberries, and strawberries, I've been using tons of them too to create these shakes as well as just sometimes coming home and eating a bowl of fruit. I have a very healthy house hold and we eat a lot of organics and healthier alternatives to junk food. So therefore, I have a pretty good diet a home. Another thing is my dance. I'm going into my 5th year of being a dancer. My dance has improved a lot this year, and my teachers have noticed. I've been practicing and stretching more, in order to maintain my high level of senior dance at my studio. I'm also very exciting for the up coming year as I am taking more hours of dance at my studio, and am trying to get into dance in school. This will keep my fitness up as I'll be doing dance everyday, and some days both inside and outside of school. As well, like mentioned in a previous blog posts I have started to do very long walks with friends, and in the summer look forward to changing these walks into individual runs. I know that I will be able to do this, and have the time to do so in the cool morning or evenings during the summer months when I am not in dance.

Finally, I'm proud to say that I have successfully maintained my blog this year. I feel it shows a clear representation of my accomplishments this semester. I have almost every week been able to get a post or two up. Although I didn't stick with weekly review posts, I felt like doing individual activity posts allowed me to be more descriptive and go more in depth with what exactly I had been accomplishing. I have a variety of different posts from a variety of different things. I've included outside of class activities, fitness days, regular game and class days, and have said what has worked for me and what I have enjoyed. Ive written a far amount of detail with each posts, and this has benefitted me as I've been able to look back through old posts and see what I need to work on, and ways that I can constantly improve myself. I did not use as much digital evidence as I would have liked too, although it is not completely absence and I have used it in a few posts. I wish I would have remembered to take more pictures and videos. However, I feel my blog is very "well rounded" and seems quite complete and well maintained. I am proud of myself for remembering to do blogs and completing them carefully with a lot of detail.

Next year I have taken PE as an alternate. If I end up in PE, I would like to work on keeping my fitness consistency. I would also like to continue to work on flexibility and remembering to add digital evidence. I would continue to demonstrate leadership, and continue to come everyday ready and willing. If I do not end up in PE next year, I hope I get into in school dance. On top of this I will be staying active in studio dance 2 hours a week. If I don't get into in school dance I will be getting a gym membership and going to the gym twice a week. I have already discussed this with my parents so that I can make sure either way I stay active. Through out the summer I hope to be outside lots, on runs and walks. I will also start using online workout sites such as the ones we were shown in class, to workout at home with a simple yoga mat.

I feel I have successfully demonstrated and shown my growth and success in PE 10. For my accomplishments and learned I feel I deserve around 92%. Although there is room for growth, I have defiantly achieved a lot and have always tried to maximize my fitness and PE experience to benefit myself and others. I feel I have the skills to continue to stay fit for the rest of my life, and have learned the importance of self encouragement and motivation.

Atomic Volleyball

This year I learned how to play atomic volleyball. A few classmates and I have really found ourselves to enjoy this game. As most of us are not star volleyball players, we have also found this game a good way to modify regular volleyball as anyone of all skill can easily and successfully play this game and everyone gets to participate. So, after learning this new game, we've started to play it a lot. Every time we have a choice day, instead of playing regular volleyball, we set up a game of atomic volleyball. I find myself getting a better workout this way as were constantly moving and the whole team is involved. Furthermore, I think playing this game has really shown a sense of leadership and expanding my friendships in this block. This is because we have to go out and ask people and find new people to play with to create 2 full teams. This has opened up doors to talk to and work with other people. This has especially encouraged those who don't participate much to get involved in the game. :)

Dodgeball/ Weight Room

Today, June.2nd, we did a dodgeball/weight room rotation. 

I feel like I did get a good workout out of doing this. Dodgeball was a lot of fun, it seemed like everyone was involved. I tried to encourage everyone's participation as well. A way I did this was when I had more than one ball in my hand, I passed my extra ball to a teammate who was near the back an empty handed. It seemed to work as everyone began to get involved and have fun. I liked playing this game but I feel like a version where we did no have to sit out, may have been a better workout. 

In the weight room I did all kinds of exercises, I started with the bikes just for the first 5 minutes. After bikes which were cardio, I moved onto leg machines, which are now a lot more beneficial towards me as I have learned how to adjust them to my size :) after legs I lifted weights, I did many different tricep and bicep lifts, normal ones, above the head, behind. I feel like my arm strength is much improving. After weight I moved on to a few more machines that's helped with arm muscles.

I think that I had a very successful and beneficial day, not only getting a good workout but showing social responsibility and having a good time. :) 

Outdoor Circuit/ Running Fitness Day

On this day for fitness, we were in partners, and while one of us ran around upper field, the other did a circuit exercise in the middle. I found this activity to work, but not work at the same time. At times it was confusing as to which circuit activity we were supposed to be doing, but it seemed to work well with the running. By the end though, my partner and I were running and doing the circuits together as we seemed to encourage each-other more that way. We looked onto another group to determine when we would start running again. It was super hot out so just running today was quite a lot of work. I did try my best though and by the end I was exhausted.

Outside Class Walks

As the weather warms up, I've found myself really enjoying long walks outside of class time. And when I say long walks, I am talking around 2-3 hours. I've done this twice so far. I did one 5 km walk, and another 10 km walk. On the 10 km walk I walked from our school, down 60th all the way down to Scott Road, then from there all the way up Scott Road past Strawberry Hill movie theatre. I also brought a friend along with me, whom I picked up on the way. This way we could encourage and motivate eachother, and could talk along the way. It was actually some what fun. We found a beautiful pond along the way, and we plan to go back and visit. Although this wasnt a run, and we were walking, it was still a good workout with some decent hills in there that tired up completely by the end. I think that I will start doing this more often. My goal is that when I do this by myself, I will run it, and do a bit of a different back. I feel this is a good way to stay active outside of PE class through out the spring and summer.

City Hall Hill Run

Today was hill run! I honestly do not enjoy hill runs, I know that they're beneficial to my body but they are not very fun. Today however I found myself enjoying it a little more. Because of the walk there, the actual time running up the hill was less, and therefore I found myself doing better at it because I didn't have to go at it for so long. I liked the walk there as we could talk with friends and still be out in the community exercising. The hill run itself, 7 to the first cone, 7 to the second, and 7 to the last, really wasn't that bad. I was defiantly tired enough but I talked myself into running the whole thing. I didnt not sit out once, and I completely all 21 hill runs. I also found myself benefiting from this because I ran with my friends and we made a little competition out of it. It really helped to encourage us all.

Create Your Own Workout

"Creating Your Own Workout" was my favorite fitness day this year. We had IPad's and could choose our own workout through a workout site. I liked this a lot because I was able to completely focus on things that benefited me and my goals. I mostly worked on flexibility as it is very important to me as a dancer. I also think it was beneficial because I could work with friends who had the same goals, it seemed to go very well. I will use this website in the future because these workouts you can do anywhere, anytime. It will especially come in use in the summer while I try to stay fit with the limited  equipment at home. :)